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How to properly maintain the extraction check valve?

2024-05-13 09:45:14

How to properly maintain the extraction check valve?
Proper maintenance of the extraction check valve is the key to ensuring its normal operation and extending its service life. Here are some recommended maintenance steps and precautions:
Storage and Preservation:
The extraction check valve should be stored in a dry and ventilated room, away from moisture, dust, and corrosive substances.
The two ends of the valve groove should be coated with anti rust paint and sealed tightly to prevent rust and damage.
When storing, do not use the cylinder to support the weight of the check valve to prevent the cylinder rod from bending.
Regularly check whether the fasteners of the valve are loose, and tighten them in a timely manner if there are any problems.
Installation and inspection:
Before installation, check the nameplate and valve body markings to ensure compliance with requirements.
Check if the covers at both ends are intact and pay attention to no foreign objects falling in.
Ensure that the flow arrow is consistent with the flow direction of the medium.

After installation, check if the valve is securely installed and there is no leakage.
Cleaning and maintenance:
Regularly clean the check valve to remove dust and dirt from the valve surface. Use a cloth to wipe the surface of the valve body, avoiding the use of irritating chemicals or damp cloths to prevent damage to the valve.
During internal cleaning, disassemble the valve and clean all components. Clean the main components such as valve seats and valve discs with cleaning agents to remove accumulated dirt and impurities. Be careful not to damage the seals during cleaning to avoid affecting the sealing performance of the valve.
After cleaning, check whether the valve seat and disc are severely worn, and replace them in a timely manner if there are any problems. At the same time, check whether the valve stem is bent or worn, and if there are any problems, correct or replace it.
Lubrication and rust prevention:
Regularly apply rust proof oil or lubricating grease on the surface of the valve body to protect the valve from corrosion and rusting.
For pneumatic drive devices, it is also necessary to regularly inspect and replace lubricating oil to ensure their normal operation.
Regular inspection:
Regularly check the sealing performance of the valve to ensure that it can be closed normally and prevent medium backflow.
For valves that have not been used for a long time, regular inspections and maintenance should be carried out to ensure their normal operation.
In short, proper maintenance of extraction check valves requires comprehensive consideration of storage, installation, cleaning, lubrication, and rust prevention. Regular inspection and maintenance can ensure the normal operation of valves and extend their service life.



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Tel: 15351513006
Landline: 0515-89118577
Fax: 0515-8911 8000
Email: jtongcn 126.com
Address: Oubei Pump and Valve Industrial Park, Binhai Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province

Exhaust check valve

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